Vata Spice Harmony
Vata calming and balancing, also recommended for people with hectic traveling routine. This blend adds to your food an aromatic spicy flavour.

MSRP: € 7,65 per box (e 40g)



Pitta Spice Harmony
Pitta (inner heat) cooling and balancing, also recommended for summer season. This blend adds a calming and noble taste to your food. Hint for diabetics: this product contains a small amount of cane sugar.

MSRP: € 7,65 per box (e 40g)


Kapha Spice Harmony

Reducing Kapha and stimulating Agni (digestive fire). This blend is also recommended for heavy dishes. It adds a slightly hot and piquant flavour to the food.

MSRP: € 7,65 per box (e 40g)


Tridosha Spice Harmony

For maintenance of balance and harmony between all three Doshas, brings an exotic, spicy taste to the food. This blend can be used by all who love Ayurveda spices.

MSRP: € 7,65 per box (e 40g)


Our Vata-, Pitta-, Kapha- and Tridosha-Spice Harmony products are easy and quick to use. They can be sprinkled directly on the food or slightly roasted in 1-2 Tsp Ghee (clarified butter) and be enjoyed.

Delivery: 3-5 week days
All prices include 7 % VAT, exclude forwarding charges