What is Ayurveda?

The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit language and means "knowledge of health and life "Ayu” (life), “Veda” (knowledge). Ayurveda is a holistic nature cure health system, more than 5,000 years old and preserved in India. It covers all the aspects of a positive, healthy life style including medical treatments and therapies. Areas of knowledge supported by different aspects of life and spirituality are: prevention, diagnosis and treatments.

According to Ayurveda every one of us is composed of varying amounts of the five elements of nature (ether, air, fire, water and earth). The varying combinations of these five vital elements form the three main doshas (also called bio - energies) that determine both our physical and emotional health. These three doshas or bio - energies are:  vata (ether + air), pitta (fire + water), and kapha (water + earth). Since the elements are in constant motion, the doshas are also constantly changing and therefore our state of health as well. Ayurveda explains this play and interplay of the five elements and shows us how to balance these vital energies in order to maintain long-term health. To support this play in a healthy direction, Ayurveda applies spices, herbs, changes in diet and work habits, appropriate exercises, and various techniques such as oil massages, Panchakarma - detoxification therapies, Yoga and meditation.

Ayurvedic principles say, what we eat and how we live and work, serves to maintain our dosha balance or imbalance. Since our prakruti (our basic constitution) is made of the three doshas, knowing our individual prakruti or individual dosha type and living according to that is the key to maintaining long-lasting health and happiness. Ayurveda offers the unique combination of nutrition, spices and herbs. When our nutrition is enriched by this time-tested science, it helps us to cultivate adequate wellness in the body and mind.